Tutorial Resources Python Webservice API Server deployment using Ubuntu

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From the tutorial:  https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/python-webservice-api-server-deployment-using-ubuntu-201d48f477d9

Or: https://www.piecex.com/articles/Python-Webservice-API-Server-deployment-using-Ubuntu-282

Here are the files used during the article/tutorial. 

Docker Example

If you downloaded the resources, then you just need to go to the terminal, cd the folder “tutorial_resources”

Build the Dockerfile:

docker build — tag flask_tutorial:1.0 .

Then run the container, for example:

docker run --publish 81:80 --detach --name flask_container flask_tutorial:1.0

This will publish the service into your localhost port 81 (make sure your port 81 is available or change it in the above docker command).

Go to your browser and access 

It should show: {“PieceX tutorial”:”HELLO WORLD”}

Tutorial Resources Python Webservice API Server deployment using Ubuntu From the tutorial:  

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